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Please visit this website soon for news about HFoM 2025
Here are just a few images and comments from 2024 to enjoy as we move on with our plans for 2025 and remember to sign up to our Newsletter so that you won't miss out on the latest developments.
"...The Hertfordshire Festival of Music brings amazing musicians to Hertfordshire, playing music familiar and novel, but always stimulating"
"A great concert in a lovely setting. So lucky to be able to see such talented musicians performing on our doorstep"
"Brilliant, passionate playing!"

"And what a debut! A flawless recital of beautiful music in the Hertford Friends Meeting House: what a treat! And I particularly loved the James Francis Brown String Trio no 2: amazing! [Mira Trio debut]"
"This was a great idea: talented young musicians given the opportunity to show their mettle to an audience. Result, an exploration of a new generation’s ideas and motivations.
Please do this again next year!" [Coffee Concert: New Virtuosi]

"A lovely and very poignant concert - beautifully played"

"A wonderful closing recital to the Hertfordshire Festival of Music: it was brilliant. So lovely to hear Jonathan Dove’s Between Friends: sublime.
James Francis Brown and the HFOM team have, again, delivered a first rate festival, a real asset for the town and county. Thank you so much for your hard work and achievements"
"the masterclass was SO much fun and
@KatyaApekisheva was a great teacher"
"So far three recitals of very high quality and an interesting talk and all this close to home: what’s not to love?"
Festival Overview
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